STEP 1 - Get impact water to 160 F. Cut Flame off. After steeping grains water with drop temp. KEEP WATER @ 152 f to 155 f. Steep Grains for 20m, to 30m check Gravity of steep water for desired Gravity. STEP 2 - MASH OUT Flame ON. RAISE temp to 170 degrees then pull the Grains out. STEP 3 - Continue to SPARGING sparge the GRAIN BAG as SLOW!!!!! as possible Sparge water needs to be 155 degrees. Disperse Sparge water over Grains thru grate or Big Spoon SLOWLY. Boiling volume needs to be 6 G or 6.8 G. STEP 4 - Then proceed to Hop addition and boil at 148 f to 150 f for 50 mins. After 15m add 1st hop addition and then with 15 mins left add 2nd hop addition then with 5 mins left add last hop addition then cut fire after the 5 mins. STEP 5 - Then COOL DOWN Wort to 75 or 80 degrees as fast as possible WITHOUT putting any water or ice in the wort. ICEBATH or WORTCHILLER ONLY!!!!! TAKE SG (Starting Gravity). When wort is @ 75 or 80 degrees , Pitch yeast Seal Up. STEP 6 - Before DryHopping CHECK GRAVITY. STEP 7 - Then proceed to DryHopping on correct Date. Normally 7 to 10 DAYS after YEAST PITCH STEP 8 - Take FG ( Final Gravity). STEP 9 - Then proceed to Bottling, or Keg it 7 to 8 days after DryHopping.
{"RecipeId":104990,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":null,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":129615,"Name":"BIAB Cowboys IPA","Description":"STEP 1 - Get impact water to 160 F. Cut Flame off. After steeping grains water with drop temp. KEEP WATER @ 152 f to 155 f. Steep Grains for 20m, to 30m check Gravity of steep water for desired Gravity. STEP 2 - MASH OUT Flame ON. RAISE temp to 170 degrees then pull the Grains out. STEP 3 - Continue to SPARGING sparge the GRAIN BAG as SLOW!!!!! as possible Sparge water needs to be 155 degrees. Disperse Sparge water over Grains thru grate or Big Spoon SLOWLY. Boiling volume needs to be 6 G or 6.8 G. STEP 4 - Then proceed to Hop addition and boil at 148 f to 150 f for 50 mins. After 15m add 1st hop addition and then with 15 mins left add 2nd hop addition then with 5 mins left add last hop addition then cut fire after the 5 mins. STEP 5 - Then COOL DOWN Wort to 75 or 80 degrees as fast as possible WITHOUT putting any water or ice in the wort. ICEBATH or WORTCHILLER ONLY!!!!! TAKE SG (Starting Gravity). When wort is @ 75 or 80 degrees , Pitch yeast Seal Up. STEP 6 - Before DryHopping CHECK GRAVITY. STEP 7 - Then proceed to DryHopping on correct Date. Normally 7 to 10 DAYS after YEAST PITCH STEP 8 - Take FG ( Final Gravity). STEP 9 - Then proceed to Bottling, or Keg it 7 to 8 days after DryHopping.","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":null,"StyleName":null,"BatchSize":5,"BoilSize":6,"BoilTime":50,"Efficiency":0.8,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1661885035363)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.08496,"Fg":1.0263376,"Srm":3.8108411597982905,"Ibu":53.388392148178959,"BgGu":0.62839444618854767,"Abv":7.5622895999999988,"Calories":297,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"50","Amt":"7.5","Ppg":"37","L":"1","Use":"Mash","Id":"563160","IngId":"3","Name":"2-Row - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"23","Amt":"3.5","Ppg":"32","L":"1","Use":"Mash","Id":"563161","IngId":"78","Name":"Flaked Barley - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"},{"Per":"17","Amt":"2.5","Ppg":"35","L":"1","Use":"Mash","Id":"563162","IngId":"96","Name":"Flaked Wheat - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"6"},{"Per":"10","Amt":"1.5","Ppg":"36","L":"4","Use":"Mash","Id":"563394","IngId":"17","Name":"Vienna - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"8"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"1","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"50","Day":"0","AA":"5.8","Ibu":"15.3112113704325","Id":"583660","IngId":"3","Name":"Cascade","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Amt":"2","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"5","Day":"0","AA":"12","Ibu":"13.2821748445852","Id":"583662","IngId":"7","Name":"Citra ","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"},{"Amt":"2","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"15","Day":"0","AA":"9","Ibu":"24.7950059331612","Id":"583714","IngId":"2","Name":"Amarillo","CustomName":"","Rank":"6"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.69","Id":"156233","IngId":"237","Name":"Wyeast Northwest Ale 1332","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[],"MashSteps":[],"Steps":[{"Id":"176345","Rank":"1","Text":"Dry hop with 1oz El Dorado"},{"Id":"176346","Rank":"2","Text":"Dry hop with 1oz Galaxy"}]}