Mothers Day Imperial Stout Brew Session

Brew Session Info

(Include any important notes from brew day until tasting)

Couldn't fit all 22 lb of grain into my 5 gal cooler, so I split it 50-50 with my brew kettle for the mash. Mashed in ~1 qt / lb at about 122 degrees for 20 min, then pulled about half the mash from the cooler for a decoction mash. Brought it up to about 158 degrees, held it ~20 minutes, then boiled it for 15 minutes and added it back in - but it seemed way too hot, so I mixed in some of the mash from the boil pot to cool it and be sure the enzymes weren't denatured. Then it was too cool, so did another decoction. Got the cooler to about 154 degrees, then direct heated the pot and brought it up to about 152 degrees. Let both sit for ~1 hour, then put the contents of the kettle into the cooler and attempted to sparge - but I think because of the rolled oats and rolled barley, the sparge was stuck. Eventually I just went with it, had a very long sparge, and finally got about 6 1/2 gallons. Boiled ~1 1/2 hours (after a boil-over at the point of boiling) and got about 5.5 gal of good wort.

Water Infusion

Brew Session Specific

22.2 lb kg
1 qt/lbl/kg
90 min.
gals liters

Equipment Profile

0.15 gals/lb liters/kg
0.01 gals/lb liters/kg
0.25 gals liters
0.5 gals liters
1 gals/hour liters/hour
0.2 gals liters

Calculated Totals

5.75 gals liters
7.33 gals liters
5.80 gals liters
0.00 °FC
0.00 °FC
2.47 gals liters
-0.05 gals liters
2.20 gals liters

Mash / Boil


60 minutes


1.038 (estimated)
2.2 gallons liters 2.20 (gallonsliters estimated)
90 minutes minutes (75 minutes estimated)
gals liters

Gravity Estimates

Based on boiling 2.20 gallonsliters at 1.038 for 90 minutes, this will decrease your wort by 1.50 gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to 1.064.

You wanted an OG of 1.119. It looks like it will be under.


gallons liters 5.00 (gallonsliters estimated)
1.106 (1.119 predicted)
1.026 (1.030 predicted)


Tasting Notes (0)

There aren't any tasting notes logged yet

Recipe Facts

Mothers Day Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout
  • 5.00 Gallons Liters Batch Size
  • 6.50 Gallons Liters Boil Size
  • 75  min Boil Time
  • 1.119 OG
  • 1.030 FG
  • 50.5 IBU (tinseth) Bitterness
  • 0.43 BG:GU
  • 60.8° SRM Color
  • 75% Efficiency
  • 11.5% ABV Alcohol
  • 428 per 12oz Calories
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